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Dascar – Responsive landing blogger templates

Dascar – Responsive Modern Startup Landing Page Template

Dascar is a cutting-edge, responsive startup landing page template designed for bloggers. It boasts a user-friendly interface, fast customization, and an array of features to cater to various needs, including the promotion of services, web and mobile applications, marketing websites, startup launches, or blogs.

Key Features:

Latest Blogger Widget Version: Ensuring compatibility with the latest features and functionalities.

Unlimited THEME Color Change: Easily customize the theme color through the Blogger layout menu to align with your brand.

Smooth Scrolling Image: Enhances user experience with seamless image transitions.

Unique Home View: Stand out with a distinct and appealing homepage layout.

Valid HTML File: Ensures the template's code adheres to HTML standards.

All Customized Widgets Available: Access a variety of widgets for a personalized touch.

Well Organized Files: Streamlined file structure for ease of use.

Built With Bootstrap: Leverages the power of Bootstrap for a responsive and mobile-friendly design.

Fully Responsive: Ensures a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes.

Working Blogger Dynamic Contact Form: Engage visitors with a functional contact form.

Unique, Clean, and Modern Design: Aesthetic appeal with a contemporary touch.

W3C Validator: Validates the template's code according to W3C standards.

Pixel Perfect Design: Precision in design for a polished look.

Cross Browser Optimization: Ensures compatibility with different web browsers.

Parallax Background: Adds depth and visual interest to the design.

Custom Animation Effects: Enhances the overall user experience with subtle animations.

SEO Friendly Code: Optimized for search engines to improve visibility.

Smooth Scroll: Provides a smooth and pleasing scrolling experience.

Sticky Menu: Keeps essential navigation accessible as users scroll.

Google Fonts Support: Choose from a variety of fonts to enhance typography.

Built With HTML5 and CSS3: Utilizes modern web technologies for enhanced functionality.

Free Font Icons: Access a collection of font icons to enrich the visual elements.

Easy Template Setup: Simplifies the process of setting up and customizing the template.

CSS3 Animation: Integrates CSS3 animations for dynamic visual effects.

Includes Awesome Library of Icons: Access a diverse range of icons to enhance design elements.

And Much More...: Dascar provides a comprehensive package of features for a dynamic and engaging landing page experience.


send vmag text on telegram group to get zip password We provide those pro blogger templates that are already available on Google. Our website does not store these files and scripts on our server. All materials are adopted from Google to enhance accessibility for our users. All premium blogger templates are provided for personal use only. You cannot use these materials in your business, sell them, transfer them, or republish them. If you truly want to utilize all premium features and updates, I encourage you to purchase them from the real owner. I understand the hard work put in by developers, and if the theme owner encounters any issues, I am willing to remove this post in the future. For more information, please visit our contact us page

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