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Apple Tech Telegram Channel: Fake or Real?

Dear Readers,

Recently, we have come across a serious scam involving a Telegram channel (@Applextech) that falsely presents itself as a legitimate Apple product distributor. This channel claims to order Apple iPhones through carding and deliver them to your doorstep for just ₹2500. However, this is entirely a lie and a fraudulent scheme.

The  @Applextech Scam Explained

1. Initial Payment: The person running this channel demands an upfront payment of ₹500, claiming it is necessary to initiate the delivery process of the Apple iPhone.

2. False Delivery Promise: After receiving the payment, this individual promises delivery, but in reality, no delivery ever takes place.

3. Communication Issues: Once the payment is received, the scammer often cuts off communication or makes excuses to delay the process.

Proofs of scam 

They made private telegram chennal without username 
And taking screenshot is Also not allowed 

Applextech scammer ss

Applextech scammer ss

Applextech scammer ss

Applextech scammer ss
They got much subscribers due to movie channel
and promoting there scam in all over the channels 

Applextech scammer ss

Applextech scammer ss
A victim struggling from scam
they also scammed by Apple tech
 we also got some people on quora
scammed by this telegram chennal 

The Extent of the Fraud

It is estimated that this scammer has deceived at least 10,000 people in this manner. This means that millions of rupees have been stolen, leaving many people without their hard-earned money.

Precautions and Safety Tips

1. Avoid Unbelievable Offers: If a deal or offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Expensive products like Apple iPhones are unlikely to be sold at such low prices.

2. Consider Payment Methods: Be cautious of offers that demand advance payments, especially when the seller is unknown or untrustworthy.

3. Buy from Reputable Sources: Only purchase from official and reputable sellers or e-commerce platforms.

4. Report the Fraud: If you fall victim to a scam, report it immediately to the police and cyber cell.


Our goal is to help you stay safe from such scams and protect your hard-earned money. Please share this information with your friends and family so that others do not fall into this trap. Stay vigilant and stay safe.

Stay safe and Thank you. 

Last word

In this post we will provided information about Apple Tech Telegram Channel: Fake or Real?, If you enjoy this post, kindly share it with your friends. For any queries, feel free to join our Telegram channel, where we share exclusive and informative content. Many valuable tips are exclusively available on our Telegram channel. Stay updated with your favorite source, DK Technozone.

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